Just Show Up

It’s as simple as that. This notion applies to introducing unique paths to pursue your personal goals. It’s a matter of showing presence which dictates how passionate you truly are about that goal. As cliche as it sounds, showing up doesn’t necessarily mean anything in a physical sense. You aren’t mandated to embed your physical being to a guest speaker lecture, organization conference, or annual gala. Sure it still has its worth in a networking sense, but the context of showing up that I’m speaking of is in terms of establishing a foundation where you can construct pillars that will inevitably become a well-structured premise to fulfill your passion.

I believe that the conviction of showing up is quintessential in one’s aspirations to learn. Once you can foster a presence that you are willing to learn, you can readily instill the right things to learn. Amalgamate that with your passion for that subject or goal in hand and you’re gold. As a student, I’ve come across peers whose aspirations seem fuzzy simply because I sense a lack of presence in their willingness to learn or zeal to accomplish their goals. It’s a little upsetting. Shouldn’t you pursue something you are arduous about? Or at least aspire to show up and find out what you are in fact arduous about?

Take initiative. Show up. Make your presence known. Meeting people who possess a fervor to accomplish whatever they are passionate about are the most interesting people in the world. They enable insightful conversations and spark genuine ideas which can lead to the fruition of further foundations that can branch off to other goals and opportunities.

Nothing dared, nothing gained.


Now read this

Being a Passionate Learner

As they say: You learn something new everyday. This adage goes way back to who knows when. Nonetheless, I’ve heard this saying countless times, but do we actually advocate such enlightening words? What I mean is this: do we actually... Continue →